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This memorial page was created to remember Ronnie Rowell who was born in Texas on March 17, 1957 and passed away on April 22, 2013. You will live forever in our memories and hearts

Ronnie Rowell 

Ronnie Rowell's first breath came on this beautiful spring day in March. His journey in Heaven also began on a beautiful day in spring. Born again in Christ. He was one of ten children. Two left before him and were there to welcome him and another couldn't be without him so he followed 4 months later. All with hearts of gold that left such an impact in all our lives, that we struggle to cope with life in their absence. Far beyond our understanding is a reason for these events to have occurred, but by God's great grace it was a blessing to them and will be for us one day as well. He only takes the best when they have completed their purpose in life. Ronnie pleaded with others to accept things as they are and to forgive those who trespass against us. We love you Ronnie, Hoodle, Dad!​
A great many thanks for all you have done
Without you my life would not have begun
You have been there when I most needed you
You have helped to guide me my whole life through
We have shared both the good times and the bad
But most of all, thank you for being my dad
I love you and miss you but i know you are up 
there watching down on all of us as we start to put 
our lifes back together after losing a great man
we all miss you and love you the day before
you died i almost called to tell you goodbye i
could feel god calling you home and i know you are ok 
now i feel you here with me as i start to get my life on track
helping me get stronger everyday as you were when you
were my age i follow in your foot steps as you grow inside me
showing me the path to take now is my time to shine and i have you
to thank for it i remember all the good times and all the bad times
we had you were the best father any son could ask for and you were a
great husband to mom so with that  said i lift this post up to you in the sky
and tell you i love you and a goodbye and to anyone reading this just remember
goodbye is not forever god one day will take our pain and sorrow away and we will
see the ones we love again so be strong like my dad was it is what he would
want us to do dad you are at peace with the lord and your pain is gone and you 
are in the most amazing place anyone could dream of going to when we die
your are our angel above watching us i will see you again soon dad love always your son. (Jimmy J)
I remember sleeping on your chest as an infant. I'd hold my breath until I could match your rythme. We'd breathe in and out together and at times I swear our hearts matched as well. You were my father but also my hero and friend. At the end of your life you would apologize to me and the family for not being able to do things with us and if you were here today I'd tell you theres no need to apologize because you gave me everything I ever wanted or needed. The lesson you taught me were all that needed to be said. You protected me and guided me, corrected and confied in me. Dad you made me a man simply by being the man you were and I know you still are. I had a dream about you going to work on an important project. You were so eager and healthy that I know with all my heart the Lord has you building mansions in the sky. Remember that song you'd sing to us? I'd be lying if I said i didn't miss you with every waking moment. There's an emptiness deep in my chest that nothing fills but I am certain we will meet again. Until that day I plan to finally live as you instructed me to. I pray you look down from heaven with pride in your heart, the same pride I always looked up to you with. You may of went to bed a broken man but you woke a warrior. I love you dad. Save me a spot. (Billy)
Dad I struggle daily missing you. I hate that I had to work so much all the years. So much off my time given to the man instead of where it should've been with my family. That was what you use to do for us and the moment you realized it you made a change and struggled to give us things. I don't think that this void will ever be filled. My birthday was not the same without you waking me up before my alarm went off and i dread fathers day coming up. I just want to hear you voice and hug you so bad. I have grown angry about many things at this point of my grievance. I was so happy for you at first and loved the fact that I could do what you always ask. Good people shouldn't have to endure the things you did or be deprived of the things you were. I hear only time will heal....I guess we will see. I love you more than I could have ever expressed in a million years. (Misty)

you were my everything. i wrote something for your services but i did not read because i did not have to tell anyone how wonderful you were. everyone that knew you loved you and knew how great a person that you was.I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU.  you will forever be in my heart. (Cathy)
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